Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm now 34 weeks

according to Pregnancy Weekly

This is day number 241 and you're 34 weeks pregnant!You have 39 days or 6 weeks left, and are 86.1% of the way there. Baby's age since conception is 227 days or 32 weeks.

Fetal Development

Your baby is tipping the scales at about 5 pounds and is 19.8 inches from head to toe. He or she is running out of room in there and you may now be able to tell whether it is a hand or an elbow pushing against your belly.

The protective vernix coating on your baby's skin is becoming thicker, but the lanugo hair is almost gone. Your baby may begin to get into position for delivery (hopefully head down).

Your baby can - and does - respond just as a newborn would by opening his eyes while awake and closing them while sleeping. Your baby can also grasp firmly and his little fingernails may need to be trimmed shortly after birth.

This month also offers more time for your baby to build antibodies and for his skin to continue to thicken. Your baby is approximately 18 inches long and weighs about 4.5 pounds.

It's wonderful to know that if your baby was born now, it has a 95 percent chance of full and normal survival with medical intervention.

Fetal Development:

The baby responds as a newborn with its eyes open while awake and closed while sleeping. S/he is developing immunities to fight mild infection. Those sharp little fingernails are at the ends of the fingertips already, and you might need to clip them during the first few days after birth.

3D Pregnancy

Your baby kind of looks like she's coated in a layer of cream cheese these days. The thick, white substance that protects her skin from pruning in the amniotic fluid is called vernix. When she's born you'll probably see some vernix lingering in her "hard-to-reach" places like under her arms, behind her ears and around her va-jay-jay, if she's a she..

Other news from the womb this week:

The soft fur, lanugo, that covered your baby's body for much of her stay in the womb is now almost completely gone. Your baby begins to develop her own immune system, instead of relying solely on antibodies received through the placenta. This will come in handy when some grubby relative manhandles the baby without washing his hands first.

This week, your baby measures about 17¾ inches, as almost as long as an American Girl Doll (!) and weighs almost 5 pounds, as heavy as a bag of sugar, minus the cup you put in your decaf this morning.


Aida Narina said...

Hi there =)
I'm just blog hopping and found your blog from some of your friends. Congrats on becoming a mummy again!
Nice knowing u.

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EdaManAli said...

nk tmbh waris jgk ke ni? semoga selamat selalu...